Back again with his monthly ramblings, Ian Chillcott discusses the importance of line, what he uses and how he uses it. He feels it is a subject not discussed as much as it should be as using the correct line will have a far higher impact on your catch results than what bivvy or bed chair you have.

Watching the water is the biggest edge in carp fishing and the more you watch the water the more likely you are to get a glimpse of something that will trigger you into an action that will result in a carp on the bank. Ian Chillcott is a staunch believer that fishing from an open fronted shelter will undoubtedly catch you more fish and in this piece he details his thought process behind that...

It can sometimes appear that hooks are not the most important part of the carp fishing equation anymore. Now, I’m not saying our bankside accommodation and comfort isn’t a major part of our angling, I thrive on the quality and performance of Fox’s temporary housing. If you feel good, you’re probably going to do good! However, I have always believed that no matter how good the shelter may be, the biggest thing that keeps me warm and makes me smile, is to hold a carp up for the cameras. And that is achieved by ensuring the one item of tackle no one ever sees, is thought more of than anything else we carry onto the banks. The problem, for a lot of people, is that this part of the jigsaw seems to get lost in the maelstrom of following fashion. Prioritise your tackle selection, and the first, most important part of our equipment, should be the hook.

Winter Watercraft
You can only catch what’s in front of you! In winter, there’s not a truer saying. Location in the colder conditions is THE most important factor in catching during the freezing temperatures.

In winter, a solid bag can be just enough bait to entice a bite. We join Harry Charrington on the banks of the picturesque day ticket water, Scotland Pond at Castle Ashby Lakes, Northamptonshire to reveal why and how to present one.